Navigating Child Estrangement

A Journey toward happiness and fullfilment

Our Mission is to Share Child Estrangement Experiences to Equip and Ignite Parents to Live a Happy and Purposeful Life.

Latest Blog Posts

Hitting to close to home.

My ongoing journey with my son, where we are at, where we were, things I did for him that seemed right at the time but now have learned were not the right things to do.

It is not your fault they walked away!

Fault, self blame, regret, what did I do? What could i have done? we all have these thoughts, but in the end, they are adults making adult decisions.

Reviews: Books, Articles, Videos and Posts.

With lots of people weighing in on this issue I try to sift through what seems to be helpful and freeing and what keeps me bogged down and stuck.  My hope is that it can share what is and has helped me with others so they can experience the same results.






